Learning how to remove earwax safely Learning how to remove earwax safely can mean the difference between a healthy
read more →Ear wax removal using Microsuction It is not advised that wax is cleared by the use of cotton buds, as this very often pushes it towards the ear drum and can cause even more problems and it is difficult to remove. you should never poke anything down your ear with the view of relieving the problem yourself; the lining of the ear is very delicate and can easily be damaged. There are home removal kits available, however these need to be used carefully. Hopi ear candles just don’t work, it is a sham. leave it to one of our registered clinical specialists to remove the wax for you. Ear wax removal is carried out as a day case procedure, so there is no need to stay in hospital overnight. Unlike ear syringing or even the safer ear irrigation, there is no water used, which means less mess generally. When undertaking micro-suction , the canal and the ear wax is being directly viewed with a microscope or a set of loupes (microscopic glasses) whilst it is being removed. This makes the procedure much quicker, safer and comfortable for the patient. Wax microsuction is the gold standard ear
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